
GLAEBOSUM Frödeström, 1942

Distribution : Tibet, China (SE Qinghai, W Sichuan); rocks on slopes, ravines, 3500 – 5000 m.



Description (by 't Hart & Bleij in IHSP, 2003) :


Perennial herbs with numerous tufts of small sterile stems to 2 cm.


Leaves alternate, densely imbricate, ovate to broadly lanceolate, acuminate, with short obtuse to bilobate spur and sparsely and shortly ciliate margins, 3 – 6 mm.


Flowering branches glabous, erect, branched in the upper part, ± 6 cm.


Inflorescences lax few-flowered corymbs, bracts lanceolate, sparsely ciliate.


Flowers 5-merous, subsessile, sepals basally free, shortly spurred, subovate, with ciliate margins, ± 4 mm, petals free, broadly lanceolate, narrowing towards the base, long mucronate, yellow, ± 7 mm, nectar scales basally lanceolate, spatulate above the middle, emarginate, styles long, fruit erect, basally connate for 2.5 mm.

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