
ANNAE  Gurgenidze, 1969

Section Sempervivum

Distribution : Georgia (E and C Caucasus); subalpine region on rocks in pine-meadows.


Description (according to 't Hart, Bleij & Zonneveld in IHSP, 2003) :

Rosettes 3 - 4 (-5) cm in diameter.

Stolons 10 - 20 cm, thick, densely and long pubescent, pale brown.

Leaves lanceoate, gradually acuminate, long glandular-pubescent, palish green with purple tip, 20 - 25 x 4 - 5 mm.

Flowering branches 15 - 30 (-40) cm, long glandular pubescent, leaves lanceolate, almost clasping, to 13 x ± 5 mm.

Inflorescence 15- to 30- (to 40-) flowered, pedicels unequal.

Flowers 11- to 12- (to 13-) merous, 1.8 - 2 cm in diameter, sepals lanceolate, acuminate, densely glandular-pubescent dorsally, almost glabrous ventrally, ± 4 x 1 mm, petals scattered glandular-pubescent at the tip, pale rose with purple median stripes and white margins, filaments purple, white at the tip, anthers orange-purple.


Close to S. caucasicum.

Link to photos of S. annae.

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