
ATLANTICUM   (Ball) Ball, 1878

Synonyms :

Sempervivum tectorum ssp. atlanticum  Ball (1873) / Sempervivum tectorum var. atlanticum  (Ball) Hooker (1873)

Section Sempervivum

Distribution : Morocco (Great Atlas Mts.).


Description (according to 't Hart, Bleij & Zonneveld in IHSP, 2003) :

Rosettes 4 - 6 (-8) cm in diameter.

Stolons short, soon withering, with rather large, somewhat globose offsets.

Leaves obovate-oblong, oblong-spatulate or oblanceolate, 20 - 30 (-50) x 9 - 10 (-12) mm, obtuse, shortly mucronate, palish green, rarely tipped with red, finely pubescent.

Flowering branches to 30 cm, densely glandular-pubescent, leaves oblong-lanceolate, brilliant vinaceous red-purple during anthesis, 25 - 40 mm.

Inflorescences cymes usually with forked spreading cincinni.

Flowers 12- merous, 3 - 4 cm in diameter, sepals connate to 1.5 mm, subglobose, acuminate, green, ± 6 mm, petals narrowly linear, acuminate, white, with broad red-purple median band, ± 15 mm, filaments purple, anthers dull green, styles subulate, slightly curved.

Cytology : 2n = 72

Geographically isolated; close to S. tectorum.

See also Alan C. Smith, The Genus Sempervivum and Jovibarba, 1980

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