
WALLICHIANA  (Hooker f.) S.R.Fu, 1965

Synonyms :

Sedum wallichianum  Hooker f. (1844)

Sedum crassipes  Wallich ex Hooker f. & Thomson (1858) / Chamaerhodiola crassipes  (Wallich ex

Hooker f. & Thomson) Nakai (1934) / Rhodiola crassipes  (Wallich ex Hooker f. & Thomson) Borissova (1939)

Sedum asiaticum Clarke ex Hooker f. (1878)

Sedum crassipes var. cholaense  Praeger (1919) / Rhodiola wallichiana var. cholaensis  (Praeger) S.R.Fu (1965) / Rhodiola crassipes var. cholaensis  (Praeger) Jacobsen (1973)

Subgenus Crassipedes

Distribution : Kashmir, northern India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim, Tibet, China (western Sichuan, western Yunnan), forests, rocks on slopes, 2500 - 3800 m. 

Description (according to H. Ohba in IHSP, 2003) :

Hermaphrodite, 15 - 30 cm tall. 

Rhizomes cylindrical, 2 - 3 cm in diameter.

Flowering stems fastigiate, glabrous, 3 - 6 mm in diameter;

Leaves densely arranged throughout, sessile, linear to narrowly lanceolate, 1.2 - 3 cm x 1.2 - 6 mm, bright or yellowish-green above, pale green beneath, glabrous, tip obtuse, base long attenuate, margin remotely irregularly crenulate in the upper 1/2, nearly entire below.

Inflorescences 2 - 3.5 cm in diameter, pedicels 1 - 4 mm, papillate.

Flowers : Calyx 6 - 8.5 mm, glabrous, sepals subulate, 5.6 - 8 mm, petals pale greenish or yellowish-white, narrowly elliptic or linear, 7 - 11 mm, ascending or slightly spreading, stamens slightly shorter or longer than the petals, anthers dark purplish-red.

Flowering time : Mid-July to early September.

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