
SERRATA  (L.) Berger, 1930

Synonyms :

Cotyledon serrata  L. (1753) / Umbilicus serratus (L.) DC (1801)

Sedum libanoticum  Strand ex L. (1762) / Orostachys libanotica  (Strand ex L.) Fischer (1809) / Rosularia libanotica  (Strand ex L.) Samuelsson (1960)

Cotyledon samium  D'Urville (1822) / Umbilicus samius  (D'Urville) DC (1828)


Section Rosularia.


Distribution : Greece (south-eastern Aegean Islands), south-western coastal Turkey, on limestone, to 800 m.



Description (according to U. Eggli in IHSP, 2003) :


Caudex lacking or to 8 mm in diameter, sometimes with a long slender taproot.


Rosettes ± flat or leaves ± erect, 1.5 - 6 cm in diameter (rarely larger), solitary or offsetting and forming small clumps.


Leaves oblong-spatulate with rounded or somewhat triangular tip, 1 - 4 cm, conspicuously glaucous to bluish-pruinose or white-farinose, often tinged purplish under water stress, glabrous, margin whitish-horny, finely serrate to denticulate.


Inflorescences slender-pyramidal panicles or racemose thyrses, mostly lateral, basally leafy and when young mistaken for an offset, 8 - 25 cm, glabrous.


FIowers 5-merous, 6 - 8 mm, urceolate, petals 5 - 7 mm, united for ± 1/2, whitish (Aegean Islands) or pale pink to rose-coloured (Turkey).

Cytology : 2n = 18


On Rhodos :

Plants in cultivation :

Photos Ray Stephenson

Photo Meinolf Stützer

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