
Echeveria yalmanantlanensis

First Description

Perennial with a single herbaceous rosette, 5 - 6 x 8 - 22 (-35) cm, acaulescent, lax, glabrous.

Roots fibrous.

Leaves 9 - 18, 6 - 13 (-20) x 1.3 - 3.6 cm, 4 mm thick, the blades oblanceolate to oblong-oblanceolate, acuminate at the apex, slightly keeled at the base, ventrally flattened and dorsally convex, grayish green to green, the surface waxy when young, the margin straight, hyaline and pinkish.

Inflorescences 1 - 3, 38 - 46 (-54) cm from base to first flower, 51 - 58 (-70) cm in total length, lateral and ascendant, pale yellowish green ; cincinnus solitary, 8 - 13 (-16) x 1.5 - 2.5 cm, circinate befor anthesis, becoming erect after anthesis, grayish white to grayish green and waxy ; scape bracts 14 - 20, 2.6 - 5.9 x 0.5 - 1.28 cm, spirally arranged, erect, oblong-oblanceolate to narrowly triangular, ventrally flattened and dorsally convex, acute to acute-rounded, usually with two spurs at the base, grayish green ; cincinnus bracts 22, 8 - 22 x 3 - 7.5 mm, 2 mm thick, ovate to oblanceolate, acuminate at the apex, slightly curved inward and adaxially concave, tightly imbricate and succulent before anthesis, sparsely arranged in zigzag and dried soon after anthesis, with two spurs  at the base, grayish green at the apex, pinkish toward the base ; bractlets 22, 3 x 5 - 8 mm, triangular, with two spurs at the base, above the right side of each bract before anthesis, below the right side of a bract after anthesis, fleshy before, during and after anthesis, ivory to yellowish ; pedicels 1.5 - 3.2 x e mm, grayish green.

Flowers 18 - 22 (-44), 13 - 14 mm long, 11 mm wide at the base, 16 mm wide at the apex, in a zigzag pattern ; sepals 5, unequal, equal or larger than the corolla, larger ones 15 - 17 x 6 mm, smaller ones 6.4 -14 x 2.8 - 4 mm, triangular, barely imbricate if at all or rarely spaced at the base, erect and appressed before anthesis, ascendant after anthesis, lanceolate, acuminate, spreading after anthesis, inconspicuously bicolored, grayish white before and during anthesis, becoming green after anthesis and pinkish at the base ; corolla 12 - 13 x 8 - 10 mm, pentagonal, conical, slightly urceolate, forming a pale yellow tube, ivory-white, to pale yellow ; petals fully valvate at aestivation, partially valvate in the lower portion (2/3 to 1/2) during anthesis, slightly keeled, tringular-lanceolate, spreading outward at the upper third, connate at the base 0.5 - 1 mm, inconspicuously bicolored, ivory-white to glaucous pale yellow, pinkish at the apex after anthesis. . . . .

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