
KAMELINII   A.V.Palanov, 1988

Distribution : Tadzhikistan (West Pamir : Darvaz, Rushan and Shugnan ranges), stony and rocky mountain slopes.

Description (according to H. 't Hart & V. V. Byalt in IHSP, 2003) :

Rhizome simple, 1 cm long with many fasciculate non-tuberous roots to 2 mm diameter.

Leaves linear, 10 - 12 x to 1 mm.

Inflorescences : Flowering branches 1 - 2, 15 - 30 cm, inflorescences corymbose-paniculate, 2 - 3 cm diameter, bracts narrowly linear, subobtuse, 2 mm.

Flowers 5- to 6-merous, subsessile or to 1 mm pedicellate, sepals oblong-triangular, obtuse, 2.5 - 3 mm, corolla 9 - 10 mm long, basally tubular for 2 - 2.5 mm, petals narrowly lanceolate, 6.5 - 8 mm, pink, fruits oblong, erect, 6 - 8 mm.

Flowering time : June to August.

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