
Victor Kane

First published as xGraptoveria 'Victor Kane' by J.C. van Keppel in Succulenta 59 (4): 81-83, 1980.


Synonyms : Graptopetalum kanei hort., xGraptoveria kanei hort.


Parentage : Graptopetalum amethystinum x Echeveria species ? Raised by Albert Baynes.


Van Keppel's remark : "Nearly all the graptoverias known to me have flowers wich in form are similar to those of Echeveria, ...Those of 'Victor Kane' are more similar to those of Graptopetalum, being star-shaped." This means 'Victor Kane' is a Graptopetalum hybrid and the parentage most likely is G. amethystinum x G. paraguayense ssp. paraguayense. (1)

Synonyms :

Graptopetalum 'Frank Reinelt' ( named for the famous hybridizer Frank Reinelt of Capitola, California, listed in the catalogue of Highland Succulents 1987/88).

xGraptoveria 'Kew Marble' (mentioned in Sedum Society Newsletter 1997)

1. The colours of the leaves and the intensity of the red dots inside of the petals can vary considerably in the course of the year.

2. G. 'Victor Kane' can be mistaken for the similar G. hybrid ‘Purple Haze’ – both have G. paraguayense as one parent, but for G. ‘Purple Haze’ the other parent is G. superbum.


3. Graptopetalum 'Marquise de Sévigné', G. 'Snow-White' and G. 'Victor Kane' - they all have the same parentage : G. amethystinum x G. paraguayense ssp. paraguayense. They differ in the amount of pruinosity of the leaves and in the amount of red speckles on the petals. Differences are minimal, and in fact it was not justified to apply 3 different names.

(1) In the meantime Norma "Tiky" Maatz. Ranelagh, Buenos Aires, Argentina, has crossed G. amethystinum (mother plant) with G. paraguayense ssp. paraguayense (pollen parent) and the resulting hybrids are so close to the plants we know as G. 'Victor Kane' that this supposed parentage clearly is correct.



Photos Emmanuelle Aubé

Photo Philip Greswell

Photo Joan Steele

Photos Margrit Bischofberger
Photo Noelene Tomlinson

Photo Santino Rischitelli

A variegated form :

Photo Margrit Bischofberger

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