
WILDII   Hamet ex Fernandes, 1978  (engl./ fr.)

Section Kalanchoe


Distribution : Zimbabwe; on rocks.

Description by R. Fernandes in Flora Zambesiaca :


A completely glabrous, 30-70 cm. high biennial succulent, covered everywhere with a ± persistent chalky-white powdery clothing (very dense on the inflorescence).


 Stem arising singly from the rosette of leaves of the previous year, usually simple, rarely forked near the base, arched below, then erect, stout, 12-20 mm. in diameter at the base, there leafless and marked with the annular continuous scars of fallen leaves, terete below, sub-4-angled above; lower internodes 0·5-2·2 cm. long, median ones 2-3·7 cm. long, the uppermost ones 2·3-4·5 cm. long.


Leaves decussate, denser towards the base, erect and ± applied to the stem or the lowermost ± spreading, usually longer than the internodes; lower and median leaves 2-10·5 x 1·7-4 cm., obovate to oblong-spathulate or subcircular, the largest narrowing into a base up to 2 cm. broad, the uppermost ones smaller, bract-like, all rounded at the top, entire, sessile, slightly connate, amplexicaul and decurrent in two raised lines down the stem.


Flowers erect in ± dense opposite axillary cymes grouped in terminal interrupted or continuous spike-like inflorescences or in thyrsoid panicles, 7-26 x 6-8 cm.; sometimes smaller inflorescences, 4·5-10 x 4 cm., also present in the axils of the lower and median leaves; peduncles of the cymes upright, those of the lower ones up to 7 cm. long; pedicels up to 10 mm. long.


Calyx 5-6·5 mm. long, rather fleshy; tube 1-1·5 mm. long; sepals 2·75-3·5 mm. broad at the base, ovate or broadly elliptic, obtuse or nearly rounded to subacute at the apex. Corolla 10-14 mm. long, urceolate, narrowing from the base of the tube to the apex of the lobes; corolla-tube 7-11 mm. long, 4-4·5 mm. in maximum diameter, 4-angled, not constricted below the lobes, orange-pink or yellow within; corolla-lobes 3-5·5 x 2·25-2·75 mm., oblong or subrectangular, rounded or truncate at the apex, not apiculate, inflexed at the margins, subkeeled, fleshy, rigid on drying, erect and connivent. Filaments 1 or 2 mm. long, inserted near the mouth of corolla-tube; anthers c. 1 x 1 mm., suborbicular, those of the lower stamens included or subexserted (below, attaining or slightly above the sinuses of corolla-lobes), those of the upper stamens distinctly exserted (reaching to 1/3 or 1/2 of corolla-lobes). Follicles ± 7·5 mm. long; styles c. 0·5 mm. long to almost absent; stigmas included or slightly exserted. Scales 1·5 x 2·5-2·75 mm. transversely subrectangular, rather broader than high, entire.



Section Kalanchoe


Distribution : Zimbabwe ; sur rochers.



Description (par B. Descoings dans IHSP, 2003) :


Plante bisannuelle, haute de 30 - 70 cm, complètement glabre mais couverte d'une pruine blanche de partout.


Tiges habituellement solitaires, solides, de section ronde en bas, vaguement quadrangulaires en haut.


Feuilles plus densément arrangées vers la base, sessiles, obovales à oblongues-spatulées ou presque orbiculaires, 2 - 10,5 x 1,7 – 4 cm, extrémité arrondie, base amplexicaule et décurrente sur la tige, marges entières.


Inflorescences en panicules ou épis ± denses, 7 - 26 cm, pédicelles jusqu'à 10 mm.


Fleurs dressées, calice charnu, tube de 1 - 1,5 mm, sépales ovales à elliptiques, obtus à presque aigus, 4 - 5 x 3 - 3,5 mm, corolle rose-orange ou jaune, tube urcéolé, ± quadrangulaire, 7 - 11 mm, pétales oblongs ou presque rectangulaires, extrémités arrondies ou tronquées, 3 - 5,5 x 2,2 - 2,7 mm, étamines insérées près de la gorge du tube corollaire, dépassant.


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