BRACTEATUM Viviani, 1824
Synonyms :
Sedum bracteatum var. glabrum Maire & Weiller (1939)
Sedum bracteatum var. glanduloso-hispidum Maire & Weiller (1939) (nom. inval. Art. 26.2).
Distribution : Lybia (Cyrenaica).
Description (by 't Hart & Bleij in IHSP, 2003) :
Usually densely glandular-pubescent annuals with erect simple shoots 3 – 10 cm tall.
Leaves alternate, sessile, oblong to linear, ca 10 x 2.5 mm, semiterete, obtuse and slightly papillate.
Inflorescences cymose, usually with 3 monochasial branches with 3 – 8 flowers each, bracts ovoid, 3 – 5 mm.
Flowers 5-merous, sessile, sepals broadly sessile, basally connate, triangular, 1 – 2 mm, acute, petals oblong or ovate-lanceolate, 5 – 5.5 mm, distinclty mucronate, slightly keeled, white, pink or purplish with darker keel, filaments white, glabrous, anthers ovate, 0.5 – 0.7 mm, purple, nectar scales cuneate with retuse or emarginate margin, fruit stellately patent.
A species of uncertain affinities, though it may be close to S. hispanicum and S. steudelii (both classified in Ser. Glauco-rubens).