
FILIPES Hemsley, 1887

Synonyms :
Sedum filipes var. genuinum  Hamet (1913) (nom. inval. Art. 24.3)

Sedum pseudostapfii  Praeger (1921) / Sedum filipes var. pseudostapfii  (Praeger) Fröderström (1931)


Type : Henry s.n. Hubei, China


Distribution : W Himalaya (India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan) to C China (Sichuan, Hubei); forested slopes, 800 – 2000 m.



Description (by 't Hart & Bleij in IHSP, 2003) :


Annual or biennial herbs with erect or ascending stems, to 30 cm tall.


Leaves few, opposite or in whorls of 4, ovate or obovate to (sub-) orbicular, obtuse, petiolate, 5 - 45 x 40 mm.


Inflorescence densely corymmbose cymes, often with long-pedunculate secondary cymes from the leaf axils, pedicels 2 – 3x as long as the flowers.


Flowers 5-merous, sepals broadly sessile, triangular or semi-oblong, obtuse to rounded, 1 – 1.5 mm, petals basally connate, broadly semi-oblong, subobtuse, white or reddish, 3 - 4 mm, nectar scales broadly linear-spatulate, fruit suberect, seed smooth.



S. pseudostapfii was described from cultivated material and Fröderström (1931) included it in S. filipes as var. pseudostapfii, said to differ from the typical variety by shorter pedicels (as long as or slightly longer than the flowers) and much broader sepals, but Grierson & Long (1987) sank it into the synonymy of the species.

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