
STEPHANII  (Chamisso) Trautvetter & C.A.Meyer, 1856

Synonyms :

Sedum stephanii  Chamisso (1831) / Sedum crassipes var. stephanii  (Chamisso) Fröderström (1930) / Chamaerhodiola stephanii  (Chamisso) Nakai (1934) / Rhodiola crassipes var. stephanii  (Chamisso) Jacobsen (1973)

Sedum dentatum  Stephan ex Chamisso (1831)

Rhodiola pinnatifida  Borissova (1939) / Sedum pinnatifidum  (Borissova) J.P.Kozhevnikov (1989)

Rhodiola krylovii  Polozhij & Revjakina (1979)

Subgenus Crassipedes

Distribution : Russia (eastern Siberia), China (northern Nei Mongol).

Description (according to H. Ohba in IHSP, 2003) :

Monoecious or (?) hermaphrodite, 10 - 25 cm tall.

Rhizomes slender, creeping, sparsely branched,

0.5 - 1 cm in diameter.

Flowering stems few, 2.5 - 4 mm in diameter, glabrous.

Leaves ascending to spreading, sessile, oblanceolate to broadly oblanceolate, 2.5 - 4 x 0.6 - 1.2

cm, glabrous, tip obtuse to acute, base long attenuate, margin deeply to coarsely dentate.

Inflorescences 30- to 60-flowered, 1.5 - 2 x 2 - 5 cm in diameter, pedicels 2 - 8 mm, sparsely papillate.

Flowers : Calyx glabrous, sepals narrowly triangular, 3 - 4.5 mm, petals oblong-Ianceolate to oblong-ovate, white, 5 - 6.5 mm, ascending (male) or suberect (female), stamens 4 - 4.4 mm [3.5 - 4 mm (female)], anthers deep red (?).

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