
Soft Rime

Origin unknown, probably a Japanese hybrid.  

Origine inconnue, probablement un hybride japonais.

출신은 알려지지 않았지만, 아마도 일본 교배종일 것이다.

Parentage : Sedum morganianum x Echeveria spec.

Parenté : Sedum morganianum x Echeveria spec.

혈통 : 세둠 모르가니아눔 x 에케베리아 spec.

In Korea known as xSedeveria 'Subing' and in Japan known as xS. 'Juhyo'.
Also known as xS. 'Robert Cream'. "Robert Cream" is obviously a misspelling of "Robert Grimm", the name of a fairly different xSedeveria.
The flowers of this hybrid resemble those of x Sedeveria 'Morganden', but the habit of the plant is more upright and the colour of the leaves more bluish. It resembles also somewhat xSedeveria ‘Harry Butterfield’, but again the latter is not growing upright and lacks the bluish colour of the leaves, also has more reddish flowers.

En Corée le nom de cet hybride est xSedeveria ‘Subing’ et au Japon xS. ‘Juhyo’. On le trouve aussi sous le nom xS. ‘Robert Cream’. "Robert Cream” évidemment est une faute d’orthographe de “Robert Grimm”, le nom d’un xSedeveria assez different.
Les fleurs de cet hybride ressemblent à xS. ‘Morganden’, mais le port de la plante est plus érigée et la couleur des feuilles plus bleuâtre. Elle ressemble aussi à xSedeveria ‘Harry Butterfield’, mais celle-ci a un port pendant, les feuilles ne sont pas bleuâtre pruineuses et les fleurs sont rougeâtres.

한국에서는 세데베리아 ‘수빙’으로, 일본에서는 세데베리아 ‘주효’로 알려져 있다.
또한 세데베리아 ‘로버트 크림’으로 잘못 불려지기도 하지만, “로버트 크림”은 다른 식물인 세데베리아 “로버트 그림”의 명확한 오기이다

이 교배종의 꽃은 세데베리아 ‘모르간덴’의 꽃과 닮았지만, 더 곧추 서며 잎색이 더 푸르스름한 습성이 있다.


Photos Park Kwan-Jae
Photo Emmanuelle Aubé

xS. 'Soft Rime' at left, xS. 'Harry Butterfield' at right :

Photos Margrit Bischofberger

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