
CORYNEPHYLLUM  Fröderström, 1936


Corynephyllum viride  Rose (1905) / Sedum viride (Rose) Berger (1930)


Distribution : Eastern Mexico (Querétaro, Hidalgo, Veracruz).



Description (according to 't Hart & Bleij in IHSP, 2003) :


Glabrous perennial subshrubs, 20 - 40 cm tall, much branched.


Leaves subimbricate, alternate, oblanceolate, obtuse, shortly spurred, terete, 20 - 50 mm, spreading.


Inflorescences : Panicles with axillary subsessile flowers.


Flowers : Sepals basally free, shortly spurred, unequal, very large, oblong to ovate, obtuse, 4 - 8 mm, petals basally free, semiovate, subobtuse, narrowly mucronate, ± 5 mm, greenish-yellow.


Cytology: 2n = 68, 136



Plants in habitat, Hidalgo, Mexico :


Photos Mieke Geuens
Photos Gerhard Köhres
Photos Margrit Bischofberger
Photo Meinolf Stützer

Photo Ray Stephenson

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