
CATORCE Nesom, 1996

Synonym : Sedum parvum ssp. dendroides  Clausen (1978)


Type : Clausen 772028, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, Aug 23, 1977.


Distribution : Mexico (San Luis Potosí : near Real de Catorce), quarzite cliff, 2620 cm, known from the type locality only.



Description (by U. Eggli in ISHP, 2003) :


Erect to semi-erect (rarely somewhat pendent) perennials, 10 – 25 cm tall, slightly glaucous.


Roots probably tuberous.


Stems strongly woody, reddish, minutely papillate, not shiny.


Leaves all of similar size, lanceolate-oblong, flat but with swollen base, (3-) 3.5 – 5 x 1.3 – 2 mm, dark green with prominent white margins, venation usually clearly visible.


Flowering branch and flowers as in S. parvum.


Petals erect to spreading or reflexed, 6 – 7 mm, yellow.



Another member of the S. parvum group (Nesom & Turner 1996).

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