
DECIPIENS (Baker) Thiede & 't Hart, 1999

 Synonyms :


Cotyledon decipiens  Baker (1870) / Echeveria decipiens  (Baker) E.Morren (1874) / Altamiranoa decipiens  (Baker) Fröderström (1936) / Villadia decipiens  (Baker) H.Jacobsen (1958)

Sedum plicatum  Thiede & 't Hart (1999)

Villadia dielsii  Baehni & J.F.Macbride, 1937

Cotyledon stricta  Diels, 1906 / Altamiranoa stricta  (Diels) A.Berger, 1930


Distribution : Peru (Prov. Huaylas & Huaraz).



Description (according to G. Pino, Haseltonia 12, 2006) :


A succulent glabrous herb, branched from the base, (9-) 12 - 15 (-20) cm tall.


Stems 10 - 15 cm long, erect or slightly decumbent at the base. 


Leaves succulent, spirally attached to stem, denser along distal half, sessile, narrowly ovate to subtriangular or terete, (6-) 8 - 17 mm long, 2 - 4 mm wide, 2 - 2.5 mm thick, subacute, green, margins entire.


Inflorescences terminal with 2 - 3 cincinnoid branches 1 - 3 cm long.


Flowers 4 - 6 per cincinnus, sessile,  sepals narrowly ovoid, 3.5 - 5 mm long, 1.5 - 2 mm wide, petals united at the base, bending outward at the middle, 6 - 8 mm long, 2 - 3 mm wide,outer surface white with greenish keel recurving outwards at apex, inner surface white, margins subundulate.


In habitat :

Photo Guillermo Pino

Photo Margrit Bischofberger

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