LAMPUSAE (Kotschy) Boissier, 1872
Synonym : Umbilicus lampusae Kotschy (1865).
Distribution : Cyprus (endemic to the Northern Range) ; rock walls, crevices and stony slopes on limestone, 200 - 750 m.
Description (according to IHSP, 2003) :
Monocarpic herbs, erect, (15-) 20 - 50 cm, forming flat and generally solitary rosettes before flowering.
Leaves sessile, shrivelling at or soon after anthesis, flat, spatulate, 4 - 10 x 2 - 4 cm, acute or obtuse, glaucous, glabrous or thinly pubescent, margins minutely papillose.
Inflorescences : Leaves becoming gradually smaller and semiterete, inflorescences narrow unbranched cylindrical panicles to 30 cm, or at times pyramidal with several lateral branches towards the base, axes densely shortly glandular, bracts small.
FIowers very numerous, crowded, slenderly pedicellate up to 5 mm, 5-merous, sepals almost completely free, ± 1,5 x 1 mm, glandular, petals narrowly ovate-acuminate, ± 4 x 2 mm, greenish or brownish-green.
Related to S. cepaea and very close to S. cyprium and S. microstachyum.
Sedum lampusae Kyrenia Mountains