

Distribution : Taiwan (Nanshanchun, Yilan County), endemic ; on limestone cliffs, ca 1155 m asl.



Description :


Perennial, creeping, white hairy herbs. 


Roots slender, fibrous.


Stem creeping, much branched, purplish, branches spreading, usually rooting at nodes, purplish.


Leaves opposite, ovate to rounded, 8-13 x 5-7 mm, apex obtuse, base obtuse to rounded, fleshy, margins ciliate, lustrous green and scattered with white spots, shortly hairy on both surfaces, petioles 3-5 mm long.


Flowers 5-merous, solitary, terminal or in axil of uppermost leaf, white, pedicels 8-15 mm long.


Sepals linear, up to 3.8 x 2 mm, apex acuminte to obtuse, hairy outside.


Petals 4-7 x 3-3.5 mm oblong ot ovate-oblong, apex obtuse, glabrous on both surfaces.


Flowering and fruiting May – July.



Published in New Taxa & New Names, vol. 4, 2021.

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