PAGETODES Fröderström, 1942
Distribution : China (S Qinghai, W. Sichuan); grassland slopes, 377 – 4600 m.
Description (by 't Hart & Bleij in IHSP, 2300) :
Small, tufted annual herbs, much branched from the base, 2.5 – 4.5 cm tall.
Leaves alternate, lanceolate to broadly semi-ovate or broadly oblong, obtuse, rounded at the base, 2.5 – 4 mm.
Inflorescences few-flowered, bracts ovate to oblong, broadened basally, pedicels 1 – 2 mm.
Flowers 5-merous, with (1-) 2 (-3) bracts each, sepals broadly sessile, subovate to broadly lanceolate, obtuse, 2 – 2.3 mm, petals basally free, suberect below the middle, spreading above, oblong, obtuse, with a short and broad mucro, yellow, 4.2 – 4.5 mm, nectar scales spatulate-oblong, obtuse, broadened towards the tip, fruit divergent, few-seeded, seeds ovoid, robably reticulate.