

Synonyms :

Sedum incanum  Prain ex Hamet (1929) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c)

Sedum roborowskii var. genuinum  Hamet (1929) (nom. inval., Art. 24.3)


Distribution : Nepal, S Tibet, China (C Gansu, C Ningxia, Qinghai); forested slopes, shady rocks, alluvial banks, 2200 – 4500 m.



Description  (by 't Hart & Bleij in IHSP, 2003) :


Annual or biennial herbs, branched from the base, 3 – 5 cm tall.


Leaves alternate, broadly lanceolate to ovate, obtuse, abruptly apiculate, 4 – 7.5mm, shortly spurred, tip mamillate.


Flowers 5- (to 6-) merous, (sub-) sessile, with 5 – 12 stamens, sepals basally free, broadly spurred, unequal, oblong to ovate, obtuse, ± 2mm, petals oblong, shortly mucronate, white or yellowish, 3 – 4.5 mm, nectar scales broadly linear-spatulate, emarginate, styles short, fruit erect, seeds reticulate-papillose.

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