
STELLIFORME  S.Watson, 1885

Subgenus Sedum

Distribution : S USA (Arizona, New Mexico), Mexico (Chihuahua); 1800 - 3260 m.


Description (according to 't Hart & Bleij in IHSP, 2003) :

Perennial herbs with small fleshy rootstock and slender stems, branched above, 5 - 12 cm tall.

Leaves alternate, linear to oblanceolate, obtuse, 4 - 9 mm.

Flowering branches erect or ascending.

Inflorescences compact cymes with monochasial branches, bracts suboblong, ± 4 mm.

Flowers 6- to 6-merous, sessile, sepals basally free, broadly spurred, unequal, linear to oblong, obtuse, ± 3 mm, petals free to the base, oblong, acute, broadly mucronate, white tinged with purple, ± 4 mm.

Cytology : 2n = 22, 24, 29, 44, 48, 52, 108  ± 2, 120  ± 4


Photo Ray Stephenson

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