SEKITEIENSE Yamamoto, 1926
Distribution : Taiwan; low-altitude mountains, 200 – 1500 m.
Description by 't Hart & Bleij in Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants, 2003 :
Perrenial herbs.
Leaves alternate, crowded on sterile stems, long-spatulate, (sub-)obtuse, narrowing to the petiolate base, 10 – 25 x 4 – 6 mm.
Flowering branches creeping, decumbent below, suberect above, 6 – 12 cm tall.
Inflorescences cymes with 2 or 3 sometimes forked cincinni.
Flowers 5- (rarely 4-) merous, sessile, sepals unequal, spatulate or linear-oblanceolate, obtuse, narrowly truncate at the base, 2.8 – 4 x ± 1 mm, petals linear-lanceolate, yellow, anthers yellow, fruits stellately patent, seeds yellow.

Photo by taiwanicus