
SASAKII Hayata, 1913

Synonym : Sedum japonicum ssp. uniflorum


Type : S. Sasaki, s.n., May 1912, collected at the coast at Denryoyosha and Shinsha. 


Distribution : Northern Taiwan (Taipei and Yilan County and Keelung City), Japan; especially on sandy places at the seashore.



Description (according to Flora of Taiwan, 1993) :


A fleshy perennial species.


Stems slender, tufted, prostrate, emitting fibrous roots at base, many-branched, branches ascending, 5-7 cm high.


Leaves alternate, ovate-oblong, 3 x 2 mm, apex rounded.


Flowers 5-merous, yellow, solitary, in terminal spikes, sessile.


Sepals linear-oblong, 3 mm long, apex rounded or obtuse, base obtusely peltate.


Petals obovate-spatulate, 3.5 x 1.5 mm, apex acute.


Flowering and fruiting April – June.


Note :

While the 2. ed. of the Flora of Taiwan (1993) listed S. sasakii as a synonym of S. uniflorum Hook. & Arn., according to WFO and POWO S. japonicum ssp. uniflorum is currently in the synonymy of S. sasakii Hayata – exactly the other way round ! 


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