TRULLIPETALUM Hooker f. & Thomson, 1858
Etymology : Lat. 'trulla' = bricklayer's trowel, and Lat. 'petalum' = petal > for the shape of the petal.
Distribution : Sikkim, Nepal, Tibet, China.
Description (by 't Hart & Bleij in IHSP, 2003) :
Perennial herbs with dense tufts of numerous non-flowering stems 1 – 4 cm long.
Leaves alternate, imbricate, oblong to narrowly triangular, acuminate, 5 – 10 mm, with a trilobate spur.
Flowering branches simple or branched at the base, 4 – 8 cm.
Inflorescences small rather dense corymbs.
Flowers 5-merous, sepals broadly sessile, oblong, 4 – 6.5 mm, petals slightly connate at the base, ovate, submucronate, unguiculate for up to half their length, yellowish, 6 – 10 mm, nectar scales rectangular, deeply emarginate, styles to 1 mm, fruit erect, basally connate for 2.5 mm, seeds reticulate-papillose.
2 varieties :
Sedum trullipetalum var. trullipetalum