x aureozoon (Bramwell & Rowley) Mottram, 2015
Par: Aeonium aizoon (Bolle) Mes × Aeonium aureum (Hornem.) Mes
Greenovia aizoon Bolle × Greenovia aurea (Hornem.) Webb & Berthel., in Praeger, Semperviva of the Canary Islands area, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 38 Sect.B (1): 484-485, t.14, fig. 24. (24 Sep) 1929.
Greenovia ×aureozoon Bramwell & G.D.Rowley, in Jacobsen & Rowley, Some name changes in succulent plants, Part V, National Cactus and Succulent Journal 28(1): 5. (Mar) 1973.
Aeonium ×banaresii Tavorm. & S.Tavorm., Aeonium sezione Greenovia, Piante Grasse 26(2): 48. (Apr) 2006 nom. inval. (Art. 40.1) & illeg. (Art. 52.1). [Created in the mistaken belief that Greenovia ×aureozoon Bramwell & G.D.Rowley was not validly published]
* Aeonium ×candelariense Bañares, Híbridos de la familia Crassulaceae en las islas Canarias. Novedades y datos corológicos IV, Vieraea 35: 11-12. 2007 nom. illeg. (Art. 52.1). [Created in the mistaken belief that Greenovia ×aureozoon Bramwell & G.D.Rowley was not validly published]
Aeonium ×aureozoon (Bramwell & G.D.Rowley) Mottram comb. nov.
Bas: Greenovia ×aureozoon Bramwell & G.D.Rowley, in Jacobsen & Rowley, Some name changes in succulent plants, Part V, National Cactus and Succulent Journal 28(1): 5. (Mar) 1973, 2015
Etym: Condensed formula.
T: Islas Canarias, Tenerife, barrancos above Güimar, 750-1950m; R. Lloyd Praeger.
HT: Sketch of 2 leaves, in Praeger, Semperviva of the Canary Islands area, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 38 Sect.B (1): 484, t.14, fig.24. (24 Sep) 1929. Autotype (Art. 9.1). The only included element.
Description (according to Praeger, An Account of the Sempervivum Group, 1932) :
Intermediate between the parents in almost all characters.
Stem, stem-leaves, inflorescence-branches and calyx densely glandular-pubescent and sticky, and of the dark green colour of aizoon.
Rosettes often single, larger than in aizoon, about 10 cm across.
Leaves broader, often glaucous, lightly glandular-pubescent on face, back and edges, the inner ones more erect than in aizoon.
Flower-stem 20 - 25 cm high, stem-leaves dark green, inflorescence of about 8 alternate dichotomous branches from the apical 5 cm of stem, branches 5 - 10 cm long, with many small lanceolate bracts, the uppermost elongate-deltoid.
Flowers 20-parted, 15 mm across, petals oblanceolate, narrowed below.
Flowering time : May.
Habitat : Canary Islands : Tenerife : Rocks and barrancos above Güimar, 800 - 2100 m.
Note :
* The neotypification of Aeonium x candelariense by Bañares in Vieraea 43: 191, 2015 is superfluous.

Aeonium aizoon × aureum HT from Praeger, Semperviva of the Canary Islands area, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 38 Sect.B (1): t.14, fig. 24. (24 Sep) 1929.