
x bornmuelleri   Bañares, 2007

Par: Aeonium canariense  (L.) Webb & Berthel. (var. canariense) × Aeonium urbicum  (Hornem.) Webb & Berthel. (var. urbicum)

Aeonium ×bornmuelleri  Bañares, Híbridos de la familia Crassulaceae en las islas Canarias. IV, Vieraea 35: 10-11, 21, 31, t.1, 11. (Oct) 2007.

Etym: Named for Joseph Friedrich Nicolaus Bornmüller (1862-1948).

T: Islas Canarias, Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife Prov., Valle Guerra, 350-450m; Jun 1998, Ángel Bañares.

HT: TFC 43.438.

Obs: Also found by the author at a similar altitude in the hills above San Andrès.

Short description :


Intermediate between the parents.

Stem sturdy, not branched, 3 - 3.5 cm in diameter.

Rosettes 10 - 20 cm in diameter.

Leaves spatulate to obovate, 7 - 14 x 3 - 4.5 cm, green with numerous reddish blotches, margins ciliate and pubescent.

Inflorescence ovate-pyramidal, 25 - 28 x 15 cm, peduncle glandular-pubescent.

Flowers 8-9-merous, calyx glandular-pubescent, petals 7 - 8 x 2 mm, greenish white with a yellowish touch, only slightly pubescent outside.


The parentage of this natural hybrid might be the same as that of the garden hybrid Aeonium x exsul  Bornmüller (1912). 


Aeonium ×bornmuelleri  Protologue illustration from Bañares, Híbridos de la familia Crassulaceae en las islas Canarias. Novedades y datos corológicos. IV, Vieraea 35: 21, t.1. (Oct) 2007.



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