x cabrerorum (A.Santos) Bañares, 1996
Aeonium diplocyclum (Webb ex Bolle) Mes × Aeonium spathulatum (Hornem.) Praeger.
×Greenonium cabrerorum* A.Santos, Vegetacion y flora de La Palma: 184, 185. 1983 ("cabrerae")*.
Aeonium x cabrerorum (A.Santos) Bañares, Vieraea 25: 184. 1996.
Etym: Named for Miriam Cabrera and family. (*Named for more than one person so the name has to be plural.)
HT: Sketch of a sterile cluster, on p.185 of the protologue. Autotype (Art. 9.1). The only included element.
Short description :
Small, compact, branched plants, intermediate between the parents.
Rosettes 5 - 9 cm in diameter.
Leaves obovate, 4 - 4.5 x 2 cm, margins hyaline and pubescent like A. diplocyclum, scarcely
ciliate in the upper part.
Inflorescences pubescent.
Flowers : 11-merous, calyx pubescent, petals glabrous, squamae absent.
Distribution : La Palma, 700 - 1000 m.