

Old garden hybrid. The name has been published by Glass & Foster, in Cact. & Succ. Journ. (U.S.) 49 (4): 153, fig. (1977) :

"Aeonium 'pseudo-tabulaeforme' is a commonly cultivated aeonium about which little seems to be known. It is presumably a hybrid of A. tabulaeforme but unllike that solitary plant it forms low, shrubby, compact bushes through lateral branching. We are not as much concerned here with the plant itself as with a fairly novel way of cultivating it as shown here in this display at Lotusland in Montecito, California, where it is grown in wire hanging baskets of sphagnum moss, with potting mix in the middle with cuttings of the aeonium inserted into the muss forming a solid ball of green" (Glass & Foster, in Cact. & Succ. Journ. (U.S.) 49 (4): 153, fig. (1977).

The parentage of this hybrid is unknown. The name suggests that it is a hybrid with A. tabuliforme, but this is most unlikely. That it is a hybrid of A. arboreum var. holochrysum x A. canariense is not very convincing either - the latter is a species with velvety leaves, the hybrid however has shining glabrous rosettes.




At Huntington Botanical Gardens :

Photos Eduardo Carbonell

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