x perezii Bañares, 1990
Par: Aeonium decorum Bolle × Aeonium urbicum (Hornem.) Webb & Berthel.
Aeonium ×perezii Bañares, Híbridos de la familia Crassulaceae en las islas Canarias. Novedades y datos corológicos II, Vieraea 18: 68, 81, t.18. 1990.
Etym: Named for Pedro Luis Pérez de Paz, botanist at the Universidad de La Laguna.
T: Islas Canarias, La Gomera, Barranco de Benchijigua, 600m; Apr 1985, Ángel Bañares.
HT: TFC 25.024.
Description :
Sturdy plant, intermediate between the parents, branched from the base.
Rosettes few, rather dispersed, 12 - 16 cm across.
Stem 2 - 2.5 cm thick, leaf scars less distinct than in A. decorum.
Leaves glabrous, similar to those of A. decorum but bigger, 8 - 12 x 2.5 - 3 cm, oblanceolate-spatulate, strongly acuminate, mucronate, green, margins reddish, sparcely ciliate, petiole short.
Inflorescence pyramidal, glabrous, rather lax, with 3 - 4 flowering branches pubescent as in A. decorum, with 6 - 11 flowers, pedicels pubescent.
Flowers 8-9-merous, calyx subglabrous, petals slightly pubescent outside, pink with white margin.
Flowering time : April.
Habitat : Canary Islands : La Gomera.