x sventenii G.Kunkel ex Bañares, 2007
Par: Aeonium manriqueorum Bolle × Aeonium simsii (Sweet) Stearn.
[or Aeonium arboreum (L.) Webb & Berthel.× Aeonium simsii (Sweet) Stearn when A. manriqueorum is considered to be included in A. arboreum. (Art. H.5.2)]
Aeonium manriqueorum Bolle × Aeonium simsii (Sweet) Stearn, Praeger, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 38 Sect.B (1): 466, t.9, fig. 1. (24 Sep) 1929.
Aeonium ×sventenii G.Kunkel, Enumeración de las plantas vasculares de Gran Canaria, Monographiae Biologicae Canariensis 3(1): 40, 41. 1972 nom. inval. (Art. 40.1) [Citation of two original included elements, the author's specimen and Praeger's illustration, without nomination of a type].
Aeonium ×sventenii G.Kunkel ex Bañares, Híbridos de la familia Crassulaceae en las islas Canarias, Vieraea 35: 17. (Oct) 2007.
Etym: Named for Eric Ragnar Svensson (1910-1973), Director of the Jardin Canario "Viera y Clavijo", who prefered to be known by the latinised form of his surname, Sventenius.
T: Islas Canarias, Gran Canaria, Barranco Umbrada (most eastern valley of Tenteniguada), 960m.; 1924, R. Lloyd Praeger.
HT: Sketch of a leaf in Praeger, Semperviva of the Canary Islands area, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 38 Sect.B (1): t.9, fig.1. 1929.
Obs: On p.41 of Kunkel's Enumeration he stated that material was preserved in his own private herbarium, Herbarium kunkelianum, but this has not been traced.
Sempervivum caespitosum Otto nom. illeg. [= Aeonium caespitosum Webb & Berthel.] × Sempervivum manriqueorum (Bolle) H.Christ, Burchard, Beiträge zur Ökologie und Biologie der Kanarenpflanzen, Bibliotheca Botanica 98: 140, t.37. 1929 also belongs here, although it is not an element of the protologue.
Description (according to Praeger, An Account of the Sempervivum Group, 1932) :
Quite intermediate between the parents.
Stem as in manriqueorum, tall, erect, thick, sparingly branched.
Leaves in dense, flattish rosettes, linear-spathulate, acute, 7 - 9 x 1.5 - 2 cm, glabrous, attenuate below, margin ciliate with erect strong subulate cilia 1 mm long, minutely hairy at base, back with long longitudinal immersed glands as in caespitosum.
Note :
While botanising in the Canaries, John Lavranos has also found this hybrid :
16041 1977 (Nov 5) Aeonium ×sventenii (Spain, Islas Canarias, Gran Canaria, Cruz de Tejeda) [A. manriqueorum × simsii]
This may be a new location for A. x sventenii.

Aeonium ×sventenii. LT from Praeger, Semperviva of the Canary Islands area, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 38 Sect.B (1): t.9, fig.1. 1929.

Aeonium ×sventenii from Burchard, Beiträge zur Ökologie und Biologie der Kanarenpflanzen, Bibliotheca Botanica 98: 140, t.37. 1929.

Photo Eduardo Carbonell