
x velutinum  (N.E.Br.) Praeger, 1932

Par : Aeonium canariense (L.) Webb & Berthel. × Aeonium simsii (Sweet) Stearn

Sempervivum ×velutinum N.E.Br., Sempervivum velutinum, N. E. Brown, The Gardener’s Chronicle Ser.3 30: 318. (2 Nov) 1901 pro sp.

Aeonium caespitosum Webb & Berthel. × Aeonium canariense (L.) Webb & Berthel., Praeger, On some doubtful species of the African section of the Sempervivum group, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 38 Sect.B (1): 22. (Feb) 1928.

Aeonium ×velutinum (N.E.Br.) Praeger, An account of the Sempervivum group: 194. (Aug) 1932.


Aeonium x stoloniferum  Arango, Descripción de cuatro nuevas notoespecies del género Aeonium (Crassulaceae) en las islas Canarias y aportaciones corológicas y nomenclaturales al género. Vieraea 46: 134-140. 2019 nom. inval. (Art. H.5)

Etym: A Latin adjective, velutinus, velvety.

T: Based on a plant of cultivated origin arising in the Jardin des Plantes, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, in 1824.

HT: K.

Description (according to Praeger, An Account of the Sempervivum Group, 1932) :

"A robust decumbent downy perennial.

Stem stout, branched more or less horizontally, giving rise to a loose tuft.

Rosettes about 16 - 20 cm across, flattish, rather dense.

Leaves imbricate, oblanceolate or oblanceolate-spathulate, acute, apiculate, 8 - 10 x 2 - 3 cm, attenuate at base, ciliate with distant strong tapering cilia alternating with numerous very fine ones only half as long, green or greyish-green, covered on both sides with fine pubescence, under side with many dark green longitudinal linear glands.

Flowering shoots lateral, arising from the lower leaf-axils, ascending, 30 - 45 cm long, pubescent, leafy with small oblong or linear leaves much resembling those of caespitosum [simsii], diminishing upwards.

Inflorescence a rather compact corymbose cyme 8 - 25 cm across, of semi-erect alternate branches dichotomous in upper part.

Flowers : Buds ovate or broadly conical, flowers flat, 8-9-parted, 8 mm across, bright yellow, on pubescent pedicels 2 - 4 mm long, calyx bowl-shaped, pubescent, 4 mm long, cut half-way down into landeolate acute segments, petals lanceolate, acute, 7 mm long, glabrous, bright yellow.

Flowering time : Spring.

N.E.Brown described this plant from garden material in 1901. He considered that it was a good species. .... It has never been found wild .... and I have no doubt it is a garden hybrid..... Origin unknown."


Aeonium ×velutinum (Aeonium canariense × A. simsii) From Praeger, An account of the Sempervivum group: 195, fig. 85. (Aug) 1932.

Backside of the leaf :

Photos Stefan Neuwirth

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