
CHRYSANTHEMIFOLIA ssp. SACRA  (Hamet) Ohba, 1980

Synonyms :

Sedum linearifolium var. sacrum  Hamet (1926) / Rhodiola sacra  (Hamet) S.H.Fu (1965) / Sedum

sacrum  (Hamet) Ohba (1974)

Sedum tieghemii  Hamet (1908) / Sedum linearifolium var. tieghemii  (Hamet) Hamet (1926) / Rhodiola tieghemii  (Hamet) S.H.Fu (1965)

Rhodiola tsuiana  S.H.Fu (1965) / Rhodiola sacra var. tsuiana  (S.H.Fu) S.H.Fu (1985)

Rhodiola alterna  S.H.Fu (1979)


Distribution : Nepal, Tibet.



Differs from the other ssp.:


Leaves scattered throughout the flowering stem.


Flowers : Sepals oblong to oblong-ovate, 3.5 - 5 x 1.1 – 1,4 mm, papillate, petals usually oblanceolate, 5 - 7 x 1.1 - 2 mm.


Rhodiola tieghemii is placed here in synonymy with a question mark.


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