
CRENULATA (Hooker f. & Thomson) Ohba, 1976

Synonyms :

Sedum crenulatum  Hooker f. & Thomson (1858)

Sedum rotundatum  Hemsley (1896) / Sedum bupleuroides var. rotundatum  (Hemsley) Fröderström (1930) / Rhodiola rotundata  (Hemsley) S.H.Fu (1965)

Sedum rotundatum var. oblongatum  C.Marquand & Shaw (1929)

Sedum euryphyllum  Fröderström (1931) / Rhodiola euryphylla  (Fröderström) S.H.Fu (1965)

Sedum megalanthum  Fröderström (1935)

Sedum megalophyllum  Fröderström (1942) / Rhodiola megalophylla  (Fröderström) S.H.Fu (1965)

Section Rhodiola

Distribution : Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Tibet, China (Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan), tickets, grassland slopes, schist on mountain slopes, rocky places, rock crevices, 2800 - 5600 m.

Description (according to H. Ohba in IHSP, 2003) :

Dioecious, to 21 cm taIl. 

Rhizomes thick, subcylindrical, 2 - 2.5 cm in diameter.

Flowering stems usually fastigiate, robust, 7 - 9 mm in diameter, glabrous, waxy yellowish-green or pinkish, later turning ruddy-brown, lower parts remaining for 1 year after fruiting and becoming dark purplish-brown, often glossy.

Leaves petiolate, petioles 0.8 - 2 x 1.7 - 2 mm in diameter, ± compressed, lamina glabrous, widely elliptic, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 10 - 33 x 5.5 - 17 mm, tip round, base round or obtuse, margin minutely crenulate to erose, rarely nearly entire.

Inflorescences 20- to 40-flowered, dense, compact, 1.5 - 2 x 1.5 - 2.5 cm in diameter, pedicels glabrous, 3 - 5 mm.

Flowers : Calyx 4 - 9 mm, sepals 2.6 - 6 mm, linear to linear-elliptic, petals oblong-ovate or obovate to angularly obovate, 4.5 - 7 mm, bright crimson or reddish-purple, stamens slightly longer than the petals, anthers purplish-red.

Flowering time : June - July.

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