
ELYMAITICA   (Boissier & Haussknecht) A.Berger, 1930

Synonyms :

Umbilicus elymaiticus  Boissier & Haussknecht (1872) / Cotyledon elymaitica (Boissier & Haussknecht) Bornmüller 1914) / Sedum elymaiticum (Boissier & Haussknecht) Hamet (1929)


Section Rosularia


Distribution: South-Eastern Turkey, North-Western Iran, Turkmenistan, 1800 - 2800 m.



Description (according to U. Eggli in IHSP, 2003) :


Caudex turbiniform to 8 mm in diameter, passing into the long thick taproot.


Rosettes flat, 2 - 7 cm in diameter, mostly solitary.


Leaves oblong-spatulate with rounded or subtruncate apex, 13 - 32 mm with very narrow base, broadest near apex, completely glabrous, pale blue-green, glaucous, margins whitish and serrate-denticulate.


Inflorescences terminal thyrses with lateral helicoid branches, 25- to 250-flowered, to 50 cm.


Flowers 5-merous, ± cup-shaped, 4 - 6 mm, outer parts densely glandular-hairy, petals united for 1/3 – 1/2, white with pink venation, or pale pink, apex mucronulate.

Cytology : 2n = 18


Photo Ray Stephenson

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