
VISCIDA (S.Watson) Moran, 1943

Synonyms :


Cotyledon viscida  S.Watson (1882) / Stylophyllum viscidum  (S.Watson) Britton & Rose (1903) / Echeveria viscida  (S.Watson) A.Berger (1930)


Subgenus Stylophyllum


Distribution : USA (California: Orange and San Diego Counties); rocky slopes and cliffs near the sea, to 450 m, rare.

Description (according to J. Thiede in IHSP, 2003):


Stems usually erect and short, 1 - 2.5 (-4) cm in diameter.


Rosettes 10 - 30 cm in diameter, with 15 - 35 leaves, branched and forming cushions.


Leaves densely arranged, linear-triangular, acute or delicately pointed, 6 - 15 X 0.2 - 1.5 (basally 1 - 2) cm, dark green, strongly glutinous, appearing oily, with resinous scent.


Inflorescence : Scape 20 - 40 cm, inflorescence 3 - 18 x 3 - 10 cm, with 3 to many 1 - 2x branched scorpioid branches, these 2 - 6 cm, with 3 – 10 flowers, pedicels 0 - 4 mm.


Flowers : Calyx 3 - 4 mm, sepals triangular-ovate to oblong-ovate, acute, 1.5 - 4 mm, petals elliptic-oblong, basally erect, spreading from near the middle or somewhat recurved, acute, 6 - 9 x 2.5 - 3.5 mm, white, distinctly red-striate, tube ± 1 - 2 mm.


Flowering time : May to June.


Cytology : n = 17


This is the only Dudleya species with strongly viscid leaves, with the exception of the less pronouncedly viscid D. anomala


Photos Michael Wisnev

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