
Echeveria potosina

Type : Romeo & Posselt s.n. CAS 223896. (Walther 1933/25) Plant originally from cultivation in San Luis Potosí.


Etymology : Referring to the city of San Luis Potosí whence it was sent.



Note :

1. Walther's description of E. potosina has been made from a plant of unknown origin, and it has never been found in the wild. His text is therefore of no use.


2. In spite of the fact that this name is now only a synonym of E. elegans and therefore obsolete, it can still be found on actual plant lists, used for several different plants with or without known origian and in contradiction to the protologue it is mostly - wrongly - applied to strongly offsetting plants.


3. Uhl commented : " These three species [E. elegans, E. potosina and E. albicans] seem not very distinct from each other and probably [...] are better considered variations of the same species" (Haseltonia 4, 1996).


4. For more information regarding Walther's unusable text see p. 76-77 in Revision of Walther's monograph Echeveria, 1972.






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