
MULTICAULIS  Rose, 1905   engl./ fr.

Series Nudae


Type : Nelson and Goldman, near Omiltemi, Guerrero, Mexico, 1903. Rose 628, US 399650.


Etymology : Named for its many stems.


Distribution: Mexico (Guerrero : Near Chilpancingo; Michoacán : Coalcoman).



First Description by Rose in Contributions from the US National Herbarium 8: 294. 1905 :


Caulescent, the stem roughened below, naked, crowned near the top by a rosette of obovate or spatulate leaves, the whole plant including flowering branches 20 cm high in cultivation but said to reach 90 to 120 cm high in the wild state.


Leaves 3 to 4 cm long, 12 to 20 mm broad at widest point, flattened, mucronately tipped, glabrous, the margin and face more or less brightly colored.


Flowering branches bright-colored, bearing scattered oblanceolate leaves.


Inflorescence a short compact equilateral raceme.


Flowers subtended by small bright-colored bracts, pedicels very short but distinct.


Calyx lobes narrow, acute, ascending, about one-half as long as the corolla.


Corolla buds acute, angled, corolla reddish without, yellowish within.


Cytology : n = 21


Link to a summary of Walther's description of a plant received from Dr. Rose (in English and French).



Plants in habitat, Guerrero, Mexico :

Plantes dans l'habitat, Guerrero, Mexique :




Photos Gerhard Köhres

Plants in cultivation :
Photos Noelene Tomlinson

A stressed plant :

Photos Santino Rischitelli

Photos Emmanuelle Aubé

A taller growing clone :
Un clone poussant plus en hauteur :

Photos Margrit Bischofberger

Echeveria multicaulis 'Lipstick':

E. multicaulis 'Lipstick' in stressed condition :
E. multicaulis 'Lipstick' en stress hydrique :

E. multicaulis and E. multicaulis 'Lipstick' (in the pot) :
E. multicaulis et E. multicaulis 'Lipstick' (dans le pot) :
At left E. multicaulis 'Lipstick', at right E. multicaulis.
E. multicaulis 'Lipstick' à gauche, E. multicaulis à droite.
Photos Noelene Tomlinson

Photo Stefan Neuwirth

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