
Jade Star '제이드 스타'

Parentage / Parenté : E. agavoides x E. sp. / E. 아가보이데스 x E. sp.


Created by / Créée par B. Grimm


Note :


Unfortunately there is absolutely no information regarding the other parent of this hybrid. So it is impossible to know what it looked like, how much or how little it resembled its E. agavoides parent. A great many of Grim's hybrids  / plants are no longer extant. Whether or not E. ‘Jade Star’ has been widely distributed by the Grims and so could have survived somewhere is not known. 


These days there are different plants with this name in cultivation. As long as none of them can be traced back to Bob Grim with certainty, their identity remains dubious and the name should  be deleted. 

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