AGAVOIDES 'Multifida' (Walther) Kimnach, 1998 (nom. invalid.)
Synonyms :
Echeveria agavoides var. multifida Walther (1972) (nom. invalid.)
Echeveria agavoides 'Red Edge' Walther (1972) (nom. invalid.)
Etymology : The name refers to the many-branched inflorescence.
Type : CAS 413922, from a plant collected at the University of California Botanical Garden.
Distribution : Mexico (San Luis Potosí : Hacienda de San Francisco)
Description by E. Walther as E. agavoides var. multifida (Echeveria, 85-87, 1972) :
Rosettes usually solitary even when old.
Leaves numerous, as many as 50 in each rosette, crowded, broadly ovate, shortly acuminate, to 8 cm long or more, 3 - 4 cm broad or more, shallowly concave above, beneath rounded and faintly keeled, sessile, difficult to detach without breaking, amber-coloured, with margins near apex deep carmine.
Inflorescences to 25 cm tall, peduncle slender, erect-ascending, carmine, bracts appressed, racemes two to five on each peduncle, secund-racemose, strongly nodding before anthesis, with about 12 flowers each, pedicels slender, to 9 mm long or more, turbinate below calyx, brazil-red.
Flowers : Sepals unequal, longest 3 - 4 mm long, deltoid, acute, ascending to appressed, connate and decurrent at base, colour carmine to brownish-red, corolla conoid-cylindroid, scarcely pentagonal, 9 mm long, 6 mm in diameter near base, scarlet-red to pinkish-red below, light orange-yellow at tips and inside, petals somewhat spreading at tips, scarcely hollowed, not keeled, thin, bluntly mucronate, styles apple-green, carpels 8 mm long, nectaries thin, very oblique, scarcely over 1 mm wide, nearly white.
Flowering time : March and April.
Note :
1. Echeveria agavoides var. multifida was described from a plant of unknown origin, it has never been found in the wild. The description therefore is of no use.
2. Formally, E. agavoides var. multifida is a renaming of E. agavoides 'Red Edge', however the plants used for the respective descriptions are not identical.