
x descoingsii Shtein et al. 2021

Parentage : Kalanchoe laetivirens x K. delagoensis


The Diagnosis reads :


Kalanchoe ×descoingsii differs from all other representatives of K. subg. Bryophyllum by being lowgrowing for most of its vegetative life span; by its densely foliated, solitary pseudo-rosettes that drastically elongate as flowering approaches; by being constitutively phyllo-bulbiliferous; by its oblong leaves that are apically obtuse to rounded; by having deeply dentate leaf blade margins subducted by recurved, spathulate bulbil-carrying pedestals; by its distal leaves and peduncular leaves gradually transitioning from conspicuously petiolate, deeply auriculate, basally broadened, oblong basal leaves, into being subsessile, attenuate, entire bar the apex, and generally not bulbil-forming; by its peduncle indistinctly transitioning from the distal vegetative part of the stem into the flower bearing portion of inflorescence; by the corolla that is somewhat pinkish to whitish green when emerging, to being predominantly vibrant pink to orange-pink at anthesis; by the freesepal segments being longer than wide, ovate-deltoid, and about as long as to somewhat longer than the fused portion; by the calyx tube being wider than long; and by having nectar scales that are about as wide as long, spreading, and rounded-notched at the apex.


K. x descoingsii originated in the Arboretum d'Antsokay, southern Madagaskar, as a spontaneous hybrid. An origin in the wild is not possible because the distribution ranges of the supposed parents do not overlap. 


First described and illustrated in : Aspects of the taxonomy of the Kalanchoe daigremontiana species complex (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) and associated interspecific hybrids in southern Madagascar, with the description of a new nothospecies, K. x descoingsii (= K. laetivirens x K. tubiflora [delagoensis]) in Phytotaxa 524 (4): 249-256. 2021.

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