
HUASTECANUM  Reyes et al., 2020

Section Diotostemon

Distribution : Mexico (Huasteca region in Nuevo León).


Description :

Perennial suffrutescent plant.

Roots fibrous.

Stems much  branched near the base, 5 - 10 cm long, 1 - 1.5 cm thick at the base.

Rosette dense, 8 - 10 cm in diameter.

Leaves ascending, 4 - 6 cm long, 1 - 1.5 cm wide, oblanceolate, flat to slightly concave, olive-green to bluish-green, somewhat farinose, margins entire, apex acute, hyaline, reddish.

Flowering stems near the apex of the branches, 30 - 40 cm long, greenish to reddish, ascending to pendant.

Inflorescence a cincinnus, pink, with 13 - 20 flowers, bracts soon deciduous, ascending, oblanceolate, spurred, 10 - 15 mm long, ca 5. mm wide, green to pink-green, floral bracts 5 - 10 mm long, 3 - 5 mm wide, lanceolate, green to pink-green, spurred, somewhat pruinose, pedicels 5 - 10 mm long.

Flowers : Sepals unequal, oblong to lanceolate, the smaller ones 4.5 - 6 x 2 - 3 mm, the larger ones 6 - 6.5 x 3-5 - 4.5 mm, pale green, apex acute, corolla campanulate, petals erect, 10 - 12 x 4 - 5 mm, apex mucronate, purplish-pink, appendages flattened.

Related to Pachyphytum hookeri.


Photos Margrit Bischofberger

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