
PAPILLARIS  L. f., 1782 (engl./ fr.)

Synonyms : 

Cotyledon teretifolia  Lam. non Thunb. nom. illeg. (1786)

Cotyledon gracilis  Haworth  (1819)

Cotyledon acaulon  Walther ex Steudel (1840)

Cotyledon meyeri  Harvey (1862)

Cotyledon gracilis  Harvey (1862)

Cotyledon papillaris var. robusta  Schönland & Baker f. (1902)

Cotyledon glutinosa  Schönland (1904) / Cotyledon papillaris var. glutinosa  (Schönland) von Poellnitz (1940)

Cotyledon glandulosa  N.E.Brown (1913)

Cotyledon muirii  Schönland (1915)

Cotyledon jacobseniana  von Poellnitz (1936)

Cotyledon pseudogracilis von Poellnitz (1936)

Cotyledon papillaris var. subundulata  von Poellnitz (1940)


 Distribution : SA (Northern Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape).



Description by Tölken, 1985 :


Shrublets with delicate, decumbent, rarely procumbent branches up to 25 cm long excluding inflorescence, usually much branched from base.


Branches (2-)3-5(-6) mm in diameter when bearing leaves, woody and with pale brown bark.


Leaves linear-lanceolate, elliptic to oblanceolate, (15-)20-40(-60) x 4-10(-13) mm, acute to cuspidate, usually fascicled at base, green to yellowish green, rarely glaucous, usually with a red margin or mucro.


Inflorescence a thyrse with peduncle (7-)10-25 cm long, each usually with one pair of bracts


Flowers : Corolla orange to deep red, tube 5-8 mm long, cylindrical, petals 10-15(-18) mm long, strongly recurved to reflexd, anthers ca 1.5 mm long.




Description (according to E. van Jaarsveld & D. Koutnik : Cotyledon and Tylecodon, 2004) :


Branched dwarf decumbent to procumbent spreading shrublets to 10 cm.


Branches often rooting when touching the ground.


Leaves linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate, flattened, occasionally almost terete, yellowish-green to glaucous, 1.5 – 6 x 0.4 – 1.3 cm.


Inflorescence a thyrse, 10 – 25 cm tall with 1 – 3 dichasia, peduncle grey-green, to 3 mm in diameter at the base, pedicels 5 mm.


Flowers : Sepals 3 – 4 mm, corolla 15 mm, tube 5 -8 mm long, yellowish to orange-red, petals 11 – 12 mm, reflexed, filaments hairy at base.


Flowering time : Late spring to summer.



The specific epithet "papillaris" (= papillae) refers to the leaves which may occasionally be papillate (having small protuberances on the leaf surface). > See photos below by Thomas Delange.




Synonymes : 

Cotyledon teretifolia  Lam. non Thunb. nom. illeg. (1786)

Cotyledon gracilis  Haworth  (1819)

Cotyledon acaulon  Walther ex Steudel (1840)

Cotyledon meyeri  Harvey (1862)

Cotyledon gracilis  Harvey (1862)

Cotyledon papillaris var. robusta  Schönland & Baker f. (1902)

Cotyledon glutinosa  Schönland (1904) / Cotyledon papillaris var. glutinosa  (Schönland) von Poellnitz (1940)

Cotyledon glandulosa  N.E.Brown (1913)

Cotyledon muirii  Schönland (1915)

Cotyledon jacobseniana  von Poellnitz (1936)

Cotyledon pseudogracilis von Poellnitz (1936)

Cotyledon papillaris var. subundulata  von Poellnitz (1940)


 Distribution : Afrique du Sud (Cap-Nord, Cap-Occidental, Cap-Oriental).


Description (selon E. van Jaarsveld & D. Koutnik : Cotyledon and Tylecodon, 2004) :


Buisson nain de 10 cm, ramifié et à port étalé.


Branches se marcottant souvent lorsqu'elles touchent le sol.


Feuilles linéaires-lancéolées à oblancéolées, aplaties, éventuellement presque cylindriques, vert jaunâtre à glauque, 1.5 – 6 x 0.4 – 1.3 cm.


Inflorescence un thyrse de 10 – 25 cm de haut avec 1 – 3 dichasia, pédoncule gris-vert de 3 mm de diamètre à la base, pédicelles de 5 mm.


Fleurs : Sépales 3 – 4 mm, corolle 15 mm, le tube mesurant 5 -8 mm de long, jaunâtre à orange-rouge, petales 11 – 12 mm, recourbés, filaments poilus à la base.


Période de floraison : Fin de printemps, été.


Plants with different leaf shapes :


All plants in Fyntwa Nursery Oudtshoorn, South Africa. (The hairs do not belong to the plants but to the dogs living there ....)

Plants Selecta Succulents SA

Photos Jacquie Koutsoudis

Photo Etwin Aslander
Photos Noelene Tomlinson
at Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden

Plants at Weltevrede Succulent Nursery, SA :

C. papillaris from Riebeeck East

Two decumbent forms :

Photos Jacquie Koutsoudis

Photos Santino Rischitelli

Hairs at the base of the filaments :

Photo Jacquie Koutsoudis

Photos Thomas Delange

Photos Santino Rischitelli

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