
ELLACOMBEANUS  (Praeger) 't Hart,1995

Synonyms :

Sedum ellacombeanum  Praeger (1917) / Sedum kamtschaticum ssp. ellacombeanum  (Praeger) R.T.Clausen (1946) / Aizopsis ellacombeanus  (Praeger) P.V.Heath (2001)

Sedum latiovalifolium  Y.Lee (1992)


Subgenus Aizoon


Distribution : Japan, Korea; long cultivated in Europe and North America.



Description (by 't Hart & Bleij in IHSP, 2003) :


Glabrous decumbent or prostrate herbs, forming compact ± hemispherical tufts ± 15 cm high.


Leaves alternate or decussate, obovate to spatulate, shortly petiolate, crenate-serrate in the upper part, flat, fleshy, to 4 x 2 cm, obtuse, bright green.


Flowering branches numerous, glabrous, simple, spreading, 10 – 15 cm, reddish below.


Inflorescences compact leafy flat corymbs 4 cm in diameter.


Flowers (sub-) sessile, sepals obtuse, linear, 1/2 as long as the petals, green, petals lanceolate, acute, carinate, bright yellow, filaments spreading, slightly shorter than the petals, yellow, anthers yellow.


The recently described Sedum latiovalifolium is tentatively placed in the synonymy here. It is said to differ from P. ellacombeanus by the broadly ovate leaves arranged in rosettes. 


Photo Ray Stephenson

Photos Margrit Bischofberger

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