x intermedia Bramw. & Rowl., 1973
Parentage : Monanthes brachycaulos Lowe x M. polyphylla Haworth
Monanthes x intermedia Bramwell & Rowley, Some name changes in succulent plants, Part V, National Cactus and Succulent Journal 28(1): 5. 1973.
Distribution : Canary Islands : Tenerife (on cliffs above La Galeta beyond Garachico). Also present are M. laxiflora and M. icterica.
Description by Praeger, Semperviva of the Canary Islands area in Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. Sect. B, 38: 492 (1929) :
"Caulis gracilis, breviter repens, ramosissimus, ramis apicibus erectis dense foliosis (sed minus dense quam in polyphylla).
Folia brevia, spathulata, apice rotundata, basi brevissime subpetiolata, sparse papillosa, viridia, nec rubescentia nec cinerascentia ut in polyphylla.
Rami floriferi, ut in polyphylla, breves, ex centro rosularum, irregulariter ramosi, efoliosi, 5 - 0-flori, pedicellis longis.
Flores intermedii."
Description, also by Praeger, in An account of the Sempervivum Group, 230 (1932) :
"Intermediate between the parents.
Stem slender, shortly creepling, with very leafy shoots erect at apex, but less dense than those of polyphylla.
Leaves short, spathulate, rounded at apex, very shortly stalked, sparsely papillose, green (not reddish or greyish as in polyphylla).
Flowering shoots as in polyphylla, terminal, short, irregularly branched, leafless, with 5 t o 10 flowers on long pedicels."
Praeger : "The hybrid is a very distinct and pleasing little plant, forming a mat or little mound rather like a green, lax, broad-leaved polyphylla. Strong rosettes bear both leafless terminal flowering shoots as in polyphylla and lateral ones with a group of leaves as in brachycaulos."
Note :
The flowering times are rather diverse, M. brachycaulos > April - May, M. polyphylla > June, so hybrids are expected to be rare.